Rewrite my website with Svelte

The page you’re looking at is powered by Svelte. The previous version of the site was based on Gatsby, and even earlier on Hexo. When I came across Svelte, I was amazed by its features. So i decided to rewrite my site and take the opportunity to dive into Svelte and its ecosystem.


It took me five weekends to finish the rewriting process. Now, I’d like to share what I did.

Framework and Development

SvelteKit is a framework for building web applications. SvelteKit for Svelte is similar to Next.js for React, Nuxt.js for Vue. it offer build tools, filesystem-based routing and rendering practices for us to setup Svelte app quickly.

For development, SvelteKit integrates Vite, which makes both development and production builds extremely fast.

Additionally, I added config to make vite resolve my posts files from project root folder:

// svelte.config.js
    vite: {
      resolve: {
        alias: {
          $draw: path.resolve('./draw'),
          $blog: path.resolve('./blog'),
          $note: path.resolve('./note'),
          $src: path.resolve('./src'),
      // allows vite access to ./posts
      server: {
        fs: {
          allow: ['./']

## Routing

With SvelteKit's filesystem-based routing, anything inside `src/routes` directory will be compiled to a page and accessible via its path.

On my website, I have added pages for Index (Home), About, Uses, Blog, and Draws. The Blog page is further divided into post, notes and slides: 
├── about@page.svelte
├── blog
│   ├── [slug]
│   │   └── index@post-page.svelte
│   └── index@page.svelte
├── draw
│   ├── [slug]
│   │   └── index@draw-page.svelte
│   └── index@page.svelte
├── index@page.svelte
├── note
│   ├── [slug]
│   │   └── index@post-page.svelte
│   └── index@page.svelte
├── slide
│   └── index@page.svelte
└── uses.svx

The index@page.svelte files in blog, draw, note and slide folders serve as index pages for all my posts, drawings, notes and slides.

These pages can have a load function that fetches data for my blog posts before the component is created, and it can even run on the server side with prerender opton:

<script context="module">
  export const load = async({ fetch }) => {

    const fethcPosts = await fetch('/api/posts?sorted=true&reading=true');
    const allSortedPosts = await fethcPosts.json();
    return {
      props: {

For the post detail pages, it is necessary to use a template to display different pages for each post. Therefore, I utilized dynamic routing with the index@post-page.svelte file wrapped in [slug] folder. The load function in these page only needs to fetch post data based on the slug:

<script context="module">
  export const load = async({ params, fetch }) => {
    const { slug } = params;

    const fethcPost = await fetch(`/api/post/${slug}`);
    const post = await fethcPost.json();

    if (!post) {
      return {
        status: 404,
        error: 'Post not found'

    return {
      props: {


SvelteKit supports filesystem-based routing, allowing us to setup layouts, including nested and named layouts.

I added the following 4 layout files:

├── __layout-draw-page@default.svelte
├── __layout-page@default.svelte
├── __layout-post-page@default.svelte
├── __layout.svelte

__layout.svelte serves as the root layout for my website, defining the main structure of the pages:

<Statistic />
  <Header {pathname} />
  <div id="app-container" class="container">
    <slot />
  <Footer />

The other three files are named layouts, inherited directly from the __layout.svelte.

__layout-draw-page@default.svelte and __layout-post-page@default.svelte are layouts for blog detail pages.

__layout-page@default.svelte layouts the other pages.

You can see i used names page, draw-page and post-page for different layouts, which correspond to different page files such as index@post-page.svelte and about@page.svelte.

Styling and Typography

I prefer styling with Less and PostCSS. I like the feeling of writing original CSS Code rather than Atomic or Utility-first CSS like Tailwind CSS. As svelte-preprocess can automatically transforms the code to provide support for PostCSS and Less, I configure the svelte.config.js:

import sveltePreprocess from "svelte-preprocess";
const config = {
  preprocess: [
      postcss: true,
export default config;

Post page with Markdown

To render Markdown files, i used mdsvex, which converts Markdown to HTML, supports using Markdown files as component, and allows components to be used within Markdown files via .svx file.

You can see i added uses.svx , combining svelte components, html and markdown syntax:

<Seo {...seoProps} />

<div class="uses-page content">

# Uses

## Hardware

For normal markdown files, I configured mdsvex into svelte-preprocess in svelte.config.js:

import rehypeSlug from 'rehype-slug';
import rehypeAutolinkHeadings from 'rehype-autolink-headings';
preprocess: [
    extensions: ['.md', '.svelte', '.svx'],
    highlight: {
    rehypePlugins: [

rehype-slug plugin can add id attributes to headings, rehype-autolink-headings plugin add links from headings back to themselves. They help me to implement hash anchor for headings.

I customized rehype-urls plugin to fill the empty alt attribute for img tag, the target and rel attributes for outside a tag, and specified all the images should be in webp format:

function processUrl(url, node) {
  if (node.tagName === 'a') {
    if (! { = 'img';
    if (!url.href.startsWith('/')) { = '_blank'; = 'noreferrer external';
  if (node.tagName === 'img') {
    return `${}!/format/webp`;


I used an endpoint, resolving all my posts and serving a XML file, to implement RSS feed.

// rss.xml.js

export const get = async () => {
  const sortedPosts = await getAllPosts({ sorted: true });

  const headers = {
    'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0, s-max-age=3600',
    'Content-Type': 'application/xml',

  const body = xml(sortedPosts);

  return {


SSG means Static Site Generation, it is ideal for pre-rendering every page on my website.

SvelteKit provides several adapters, and I chose the static adapter for this purpose:

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static'

kit: {
  adapter: adapter(),
    prerender: {
      default: true,


To make a better performance for SEO, it is important to has an auto generated sitemap.

After using the static-adapter above, i can only generate sitemap files after the whole site was built.

I added a sitemap script in package.json:

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "sitemap": "node --experimental-json-modules ./gen-sitemap.js",

And a gen-sitemap.js to read all build files and trimming files url to build sitemap:

import fs from 'fs';
import fg from 'fast-glob';
import { create } from 'xmlbuilder2';
import globalConfig from './global-config.js';

const getUrl = (url) => {
    const trimmed = url.slice(6).replace('index.html', '');
    return `${globalConfig.siteURL}/${trimmed}`;

async function createSitemap() {
    const sitemap = create({ version: '1.0' }).ele('urlset', {
        xmlns: ''

    const pages = await fg(['build/**/*.html']);

    pages.forEach((page) => {
      const url = sitemap.ele('url');

    const xml = sitemap.end({ prettyPrint: true });

    fs.writeFileSync('build/sitemap.xml', xml);



That’s what I did with Svelte and SvelteKit for this new website. Hope it can give you some ideas.

Thank you for reading.